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I’m moving (again)

July 30, 2009

Hi everyone!  I am trying to make all my stuff have the same name attached to it because I am OCD like that.  I already have twitter and etsy accounts associated with kellycw so I’m moving my blog to  Update your links/RSS/etc!


July 29, 2009

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

July 28, 2009

Last night I dreamed that I was wandering around some neighborhood at night with a bunch of random people that I new- some from high school, some from college, Derrick, and probably some others.  I do remember that I new them all.  So we’re walking around and then someone says “hey! lets go visit Heather Armstrong!” and I’m like “uhhh guys its the middle of the night and she has a newborn.”  Never mind the fact that none of us actually know her and she lives in Utah.   So apparently no one cared about what I thought because it was agreed that we would go visit.  We go up to what is the Armstrong’s house in my dream which just happened to be right around the corner.  We go to the side door.  The porch light is on but the house is dark otherwise.  The leader of our fearless group knocks on the door.  We hear bumping and cursing and then someone answers the door.  There is mumbling between our leader and whoever answered the door.  We are invited in!  The house is homey and kinda dark, reminds me of your grandparents house.  Then- Heather and Jon start serving us ice cream! I love ice cream! But then I start to feel guilty.  Because Jon and Heather don’t have a dishwasher!!  They are going to have to wash ALL these dishes after we leave!  Derrick is also feeling guilty so we start collecting all the dishes and washing them by hand.  Everyone else is leaving but we just keep washing dishes.  There was like a never ending pile of ice cream dishes.  Then I woke up.


Things I Accomplished Today

July 25, 2009

1. Looked at an excel model I made a long time ago
2. Went to lunch with my lab group
3. Drove to Genentech
4. Went to HoHo
5. Made 2 powerpoint slides
6. Drove home
7. Took a nap

Vacation 2009

July 24, 2009

We went on vacation a couple weeks ago.  It feels like forever ago since things have been so busy though.  Anyway, I took over 900 pictures but I only posted about 100 for the internet to enjoy.  Since then I have played around in GIMP with a couple of them.  I think they are cool so I will post them here for you too!  I am generous like that.

We went out to the coast- started in Monterey and ended in Marin Headlands with stops in Santa Cruz, Big Basin SP, Half Moon Bay and San Fransisco.  It was our most low key vacation ever and probably the most enjoyable.


July 24, 2009

This post is from back in June.. I’m not sure why it never got published.  I must have gotten distracted!.

I’m pretty sure that I promised pictures  month ago so here they are finally!

Garden061709 021Garden061709 018 So I’ll start with the flowers/herb section.  On the left are most of the herbs and the flowers are on the right.  Herbs include cilatro (flowering), oregano (front half of the giant bush), lemon balm (other half of the giant bush), peppermint and mojito mint (buried under the the giant bush), sage (can’t see it behind the lemon balm) and rosemary (in the very back).  On the right are the flowers- calendula (orange ones in the back), zinnia (can’t see it), cosmos, mexican sunflowers (haven’t bloomed) and then chammomile (sprawled out on the path).  The macro picture is the zinnia. So pretty!

Garden061709 022Here are the peppers, ocra and eggplant.  The peppers are looking sad.. they always do until around August when they suddenly start making tons of peppers.  I will wait..  The ocra is even more pathetic.. it hates this dry heat and clay soil..  The eggplant has lots of holey leaves but has still made several nice sized fruits.

Garden061709 020The tomatoes look great! I have not done a perfect job on picking off the suckers but much better than last year.  They are at least climbing the string instead of just sprawling everywhere.

Garden061709 024 This is the jack and the beanstalk beans.  These plants are HUGE and flowering all over the place but I have only gotten 2 beans!  The flowers keep falling off and I don’t know why. Too hot?

Garden061709 023Garden061709 019

yay watermelons!  These are Derrick’s babies.   They are yellow fleshed fruit and supposed to taste tangy!  Then there’s the corn.. It is freaking huge but making lots of yummy sweet corn so I am not complaining (too much).

Garden061709 013Garden061709 010Here’s a macro shot of the silks and a little visitor (death to the cucumber beatles!!)  Garden061709 009And finally the corn tassle.  So pretty!

The garden is alive!

May 28, 2009

I am barely alive but luckily the garden hasn’t needed too much of my time lately. I am doing an internship at Genentech this quarter along with school.  I am really enjoying this internship but the drain on my time is making me slightly insane.  Anyway, in my absence (aside from watering) the garden has been doing pretty well.

I went out this evening and found that I have my first baby tomato- the green zebra! The others (san marzano and yellow pear) have blooms but no fruit that I have found. The corn is getting tall, should be putting out tassel soon! I also have baby peppers on 3/4 of the pepper plants.

Last week was attack of the cucumber beetles week. My poor beans barely had a leaf left on them but they seem to be recovering. My pest control method is squish all the ones I find and hope for the best. I am lazy 🙂

My herbs and flowers make me so happy. All the herbs are so easy and taste/smell so good! I have lots of calendula- I have been cutting them and bringing them back to the apartment for display.

PS. Sorry for no pics. I promise it looks really great! 😉

Today I- oo! something shiny!

March 4, 2009

Today I came home early from school because my eyes were starting to cross from looking at the computer screen all day and my neck mar32009-011 mar32009-0121was starting to ache.  I was in the mood to do something

active so I decided to clean the kitchen. Not just surface clean but go through the cabinets and organize, etc.  During my cleaning session I came across treasures that I had forgotten about.  Look at these wonderful silver pieces! These are two of many pieces that my mom tried to force on me.  Not that I really mind, but a girl like me only needs so many shiny things.  I do love shiny things though..

They didn’t look so shiny when I found them.  They were basically all black and still wrapped in saran wrap from when we moved almost 2 years ago!  I polished them up so they look all pretty now.  I love polishing and cleaning things like this.  Its such an immediate gratification- look what I did! I made all that tarnish go away.  Unlike the rest of my day- look, I worked in excel all day.. wmar32009-008ooo..

I also found these beauties.   I am very conflicted over this crystal sugar and creamer set.   They were a wedding gift from I don’t even remember who.  Neither of us drink coffee.  We don’t even own a coffee maker.  But they are nice and if I ever did pick out a fancy sugar/creamer set it would be these.  So we keep pushing them around.

Do other people have stuff like this, that you never use but its so nice that you just keep it anyway?

True Leaves

March 4, 2009

Today I came home to find itty bitty true leaves on the tomato seedlings!



March 2, 2009

I finally got around to starting seeds a couple weeks ago, on Feb 16th to be exact.  I planted tomatoes, basil, cilantro, hot peppers, bell peppers and parsley.  Thus far everything has come up except those pesky bell peppers.  The seed was a couple years old so maybe it is bad.  Anyway, on to the exciting part- the picture!


In the left column the only thing that came up was one cilantro.  There was another cilantro and chives planted in the other two.  Next column has three basils- they are so cute and already starting on their first true leaves!  Next column has parsley at the top (it hadn’t come up as of the picture but its up now) and two marzano tomatoes.  Finally, two tomatoes- one still trapped in its seed coat- and an empty spot (the hot pepper peat pellet has now been transplanted there).

I am trying something new this year, starting the seeds in the peat pellets and then transferring them to the bigger 6-pack when they sprout.  I find the 6-packs much easier to work with, but the seeds sprout much easier in the pellets. We shall see how it goes.

I just love having these little bits of green in the apartment- especially on days like today when it is rainy and dreary out.  I just sit and stare at them, marveling at the miracle of a sprouted seed.